
Library is regarded as the backbone of an institution. As the gateways to knowledge, library plays a very pivotal role in the society. Library offers opportunities to its users for learning and creating new ideas that help in developing an innovative society. Amar Singh College used to host one of the richest libraries in the whole valley, however due to some uncalled-for circumstances, it lost most of its collection and infrastructure, but with the efforts of committed staff and higher authorities, we have and are still trying our level best to recover from the huge loss we bore and rather trying to give more than that to our users. It gives me immense pleasure to say that library at presents holds a good number of books of around 30000 apart from other services like reading room, issue-return, NLIST database subscription, NDLI subscription, suggestion box, Browsing Centre, Book Bank Facility. I recommend all the students to make more use of library services and take full advantage of all the services offered by the library as it is not just a one-way street, our library will only flourish more and more when we get the full support of our esteemed users as well.

Huma Shafiq